Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

In The Middle.

Posted on | November 17, 2012 | 12 Comments

I seem to be in the middle of so many projects at the moment. That’s fine as long as it all leads to finishes. I am about to have a basting weekend. I have several small quilts that need to be sandwiched ready for quilting, so my trestle table is out and ready for work.

I have been making these 3D Bow Tie blocks using charm packs from Deb Strain‘s Fresh range. I can remember buying these packs a while back because of the lovely fresh colours, so the name is appropriate.

I have nearly completed all the blocks to this stage and am looking forward to playing with the layout.


I have also pieced a very simple mini quilt. I am going to have a go at hand quilting this one using a lovely variegated thread from Cottage Garden Threads. Now those who know me well will be rolling around laughing at this stage because I have never done any quilting by hand. All I can say is I am starting sensibly as the mini only measures 50 X 50 cm. So maybe I do have a chance of finishing it!



When I was in Spotlight recently I saw this very cute Summer Christmas fabric. I only bought a fat quarter of each so had to really juggle how to use it. I have made it into a table cloth to use outside. I will trim and tidy it up and then add the backing. I am thinking of not putting any wadding in it so will have to see how it looks before sewing it together.


I thought this could look lovely outside on a table in the garden.

Well, that’s my weekend planned out. Hope you have some stitching time, too.



12 Responses to In The Middle.

  • Your quilts are soooo gorgeous. I love them. Hand quilting is quite therapeutic although it does take some time to do.

  • You are certainly busy! Those bow ties are really going to make a pretty quilt. I like all your projects, and I’m guessing that by now you’ve got a lot of them closer to completion.

  • Rachaeldaisy says:

    I really like those 3d bow ties, especially in those colours. Good idea to start hand quilting on a small project, such a fun bicycle print. Wonderful Christmas table cloth too.

  • Suz says:

    I love the look of your Summer Christmas tablecloth! Great idea!

  • Bev C says:

    Hello Karen,

    hope I haven’t disturbed your quilting. Love all the projects you are in the middle of. The bow tie quilts is stunning. That is one of the first quilts I made. The 3D effect really sets it of.

    happy days.

  • Fiona says:

    Love the bow ties .. that will be such fun and enjoy the quilting… I have only done small projects where it has been more decorative (now I have to ask if you are using red Cottage Garden… they are lovely but do bleed!)…. and your Christmas table topper is perfect… so happy and bright…

  • Denise in PA says:

    The bow ties are so cute – what a great idea for charm packs! The table cloth is so pretty – another great idea!! Good luck with your basting the weekend!

  • Lesley says:

    Karen, your in between projects are wonderful! Your bow ties are so cute with that fabric! Enjoy the hand quilting…I start every day in my quilting chair! And your Christmas tablecloth is so bright and fresh…great choices!

  • Anita Hayes says:

    Hi Karen,
    The bow ties look great and appropriately named. It’s a thing and a half when you suddenly find yourself with lots of projects on the go, but you eventually finish them.
    Keep going!! lol.
    Cheers, Anita.

  • Shez says:

    love your projects Karen,have a good weekend.xx

  • Sunnybec says:

    I’ve tried a little hand quilting, it’s not that good but I have to start somewhere! Love your fabric for the table cloth, it’s so pretty… just wish I could use a Christmas one outside! Brrrrrr. Hugs x

  • You are going to have lots of lovely finishes coming up. I live your sweet birdie Christmas fabric.


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