A Bear In The Pantry.
This has to be my bear with the biggest tummy! I think he sometimes hides in the pantry and eats all the goodies he can find. He is made out of plush felt which of course can stretch to accommodate his expanding girth. We may have to limit his intake at Melody’s picnic today. Visit […]
Final Round.
I have been able to add the final round of blocks to my Califon quilt. It is definitely time to stop as it has reached 70 inches in size. I think when I started I was only planning a lap sized quilt, but then it took on a life of its own. Unfortunately it will […]
A Petite Surprise.
A lovely envelope arrived in the mail today. It contained 3 delightful Petite Patterns from Gail Pan. I was one of the lucky winners of patterns released at the recent Sydney trade show. It was only Thursday when Gail announced the winners and they arrived in today’s post. How quick is that! Aren’t they wonderful? […]
Simple And Sweet.
Most of the quilts and embroideries I am working on at the moment are taking quite a while due to the size/ quantity/ difficulty involved. I think I just needed a change of pace so I chose something quick and easy to make. On a recent visit to Spotlight I saw the owl and leaf […]
Raining Cats and Dogs.
No, not today, but it was a few days ago. Instead I have a cat and dog softie ready to join in with Melody at The House On The Side Of The Hill for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic. It may be a little late in the day but we are on our way. This pair […]
Adding Up The Numbers.
Our chilly weather makes this a perfect time to stay inside to sew. The last few days have been busy adding to collections. I have made 40 of these disappearing 9 patch blocks for the final border of my quilt made from Califon. These drunkard’s path blocks now total 47 – about a quarter of […]
7 Down and ……
I am just starting to make the drunkard’s path blocks for the last border on the red and white quilt. I think I am using about 8 different red fabrics but this is just the tester to make sure the idea is okay. Well, I have made 7 blocks and I have worked out that […]
Friday Colours.
Joining in with Robyn for Colourful Fridays is a lovely way to brighten up the end of the week. Visit Daisy Quilts to see all the lovely colours. This week we are hunting for orange and blue. I found a few things with the two colours together, but the rest involved playing. Of course I […]
Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
The teddies are off for their weekly picnic at The House On The Side Of The Hill. Visit Melody to see what they are up to this time. I have collected several of these lovely pottery bears at the craft market. They have fun poses and great expressions on their faces. I have several others […]
Adding Colours.
I realised I hadn’t shared my progress with the Jacobean embroidery recently. It continues to grow slowly but steadily. I love the way the appearance changes when a few new and brighter colours are added.