A Kitchen Window Finish.
The binding is done and the quilt is ready. So good to have another finish! Here it is blowing in the wind. And while the sun was shining, here is the back, too. I am very pleased with the decision to use the strong contrast of black and white with these bright colours. It has […]
Spring Flowers in Autumn.
Not really. It’s just that the fabric in this quilt reminds me of Spring – lovely colours and fresh. I really liked the floral fabric and wanted to make a simple quilt to show it off. I had trouble with a full quilt photo as the sun was bright and the wind was blowing, but […]
Knit, Purl etc.
Lots of little knitting has been happening here in the last week or two. Having to be in different places and doing a bit of waiting around lends itself to having an easy carry project like knitting. I have made several of these monkeys before from a Twins Knitting pattern. I have been playing with […]