Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Quilt Monopoly.

There are so many monopoly variations that I wonder if there is one dedicated to quilting. I wouldn’t be surprised!. A friend recently gifted me some monopoly themed fabric to make a donation quilt. The width of the pieces led me to make a Strippie quilt as per Mary’s instructions. Click on her name for […]

Nearly There.

We are nearly ready for the New Year. But there is still a little Christmas to catch up on first. In fact, we haven’t celebrated Christmas with our family yet. Our granddaughter was unwell on Christmas eve, so we had to put off our visit. We will instead catch up in a couple of days. […]

A Quiet Week.

A quiet week here on the sewing front, but extra busy with grandchildren staying over for several days. I have been working on these blocks. Lots of pieces. I had to cut nearly 600 blues and 600 whites. That’s not bad for me as I am not always that patient. I admire those of you […]

Stitching For Christmas.

It seems to be so far away, but I know from past experience that Christmas creeps up really quickly. I am trying to get ahead, but I know it will still be a mad rush in the end. I started with one of these decorations from a Bareroots pattern, Everything Nice Christmas Ornaments. And then […]

Keeping Hands Busy.

September has flown by. But Spring is here and we are enjoying some lovely sunny days. This is what is happening to our orange tree. We have only recently finished picking the last of the oranges but that wasn’t going to stop the blossom opening. The whole tree is buzzing with bees. I have been […]

A Finished Blanket.

This is another of my projects that was so close to a finish and was then put away due to distractions of my own making. I had made the large mandalas and had pieced them together, but knew I had to make smaller sections to fill the gaps. It took me a while to play […]

A Week To Go.

One week until Christmas day. And another year nearly behind us. Wow! Lots of Christmas sewing has been happening, but I have also managed to finish my quilt top for Over The Hill by Wendy Williams. This was the last block. When it was joined to the others in the row, there were a few […]

December, 2020.

2020. Certainly a year that will not be forgotten in a hurry. Here in Victoria, Australia we are having a lovely December. After our total lock down we have experienced 60 days without community transmission. That has been a wonderful achievement and well worth all those stay at home days. With our new found freedom […]

Merry December.

December seems to be running away very quickly. I thought I had better write a post before it disappears completely. Summer has been a long time coming. The weather has been quite mild except for the rare hot day. But of course that is about to change. We have some very hot days coming this […]

November Hearts.

This is the second last month for the year of Bunny Hill Snow Hearts. I have kept this one simple and have removed the words as Australia does not celebrate Thanksgiving. They still look lovely. I often find that I am working on several projects at one time and often have nothing in particular to […]

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