My Turn To Hop Around The World.
I have been invited by the lovely Joan at Moose Stash Quilting to participate in the Around The World blog hop. This is a great way to find out about a lot of bloggers in many varied parts of the world. And to see what they enjoy doing. Thanks for the opportunity, Joan. I really […]
FHFS Spots.
I received a delightful parcel in the mail yesterday as part of our FHFS spotty swap. It was from Sharon of Lilabelle Lane and was wrapped in lovely spotty paper. Sharon has made this gorgeous Sew Together bag. Doesn’t it look amazing! She has embroidered spots and dots to keep the spotty theme going. And […]
Ribbit, Ribbit.
I wanted an easy project to play with just to give me a little bit of sewing time. I really like the quick strippie quilts made by Mary of Making Scrap Quilts From Stash, but the focus fabric I had was not WOF. It was only a fat quarter. So, as they say, necessity is […]