Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Ribbit, Ribbit.

Posted on | September 11, 2014 | 12 Comments

I wanted an easy project to play with just to give me a little bit of sewing time.

I really like the quick strippie quilts made by Mary of Making Scrap Quilts From Stash, but the focus fabric I had was not WOF. It was only a fat quarter.

Sunburnt Quilts 2014 - Frogs

So, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention.  I still decided to use Mary’s strip sizes, but made mine into a centre panel with an added border.

Sunburnt Quilts 2014 - Frog Quilt

This is just what I needed to blow out the cobwebs. I can get this quilted and bound and I will have a gift or donation quilt ready.

I am pleased to say my Mother is now in her new home and settled in. There are still a lot of boxes to unpack and sort, but the major part of the work is out of the way.

Hubby is home and doing extremely well after  full shoulder replacement surgery. He needs six weeks before being allowed to drive again, and maybe a little longer before any heavy lifting.

A lot of time waiting at the hospital gave me the chance to finish my ripple blanket.

Sunburnt Quilts 2014 - Ripple Blanket

It is knee rug size. I have learned a lot about my tension when doing this project and hopefully have improved my skills along the way.


It  is lovely to be back doing some crafty projects again.


The weekend is sneaking up on us. have a good one.

Cheers, Karen


12 Responses to Ribbit, Ribbit.

  • Fiona says:

    good to hear you mom is settled and hubby is back home and healing…. the crochet blanket is awesome… and so are those frogs… I do like frogs…

  • Cheryl says:

    Karen – glad your mum and hubby are going okay. Very cute froggy quilt and love your beautiful ripple blanket

  • Your froggy quilt is really cute, and that afghan—-gorgeous! Glad your Mom is moved in and getting settled. Great report on your sweetie, too.

  • Bev C says:

    Hello Karen,
    Wonderful to hear that things are going much better for the family. That frog fabric is rather cute. The ripple blanket turned out just lovely.

    Happy days.

  • Linda King says:

    The frogs are soooo cute!

  • Glad your little froggies helped blow away the cobwebs. You did a great job. Your ripple quilt is beautiful. I am so glad your Mum is settled and Hubby is doing well. I hope life is a little calmer for you now xx

  • Barb says:

    Love the quilt, it’s amazing what we can achieve when we set our minds to something :)
    Your ripple is just gorgeous, it looks different to the ripple I do??? Do you crochet into the back loops with yours? Hope hubby is feeling better soon :) Barb.

  • keryn says:

    Glad things are settling down for you – you must be a little plum tuckered..

  • Rachaeldaisy says:

    It’s great to hear all is well. Those frogs are so cute!! What a great quilt to whip up and give you some sewing time. I love your ripple blanket. It’s the prettiest colours and the ripple effect is so eye catching. A lovely knee rug!

  • Denise in PA says:

    Good to hear from you, Karen! What a great take on Mary’s pattern – it’s so cute! Very pretty blanket too – looks cuddly! Glad that things seems to be calming down for you and your mom is settling in and hubby’s on the mend. o:)

  • Shez says:

    Hi Karen so pleased that things have eased up for you now,Love your quilt and boy oh boy your ripple rug is awesome,love those colours you have used,well done Karen and i hope hubby heals well,take care my friend.xx

  • You have really had a lot going on. Glad you are getting to do some crafty things. It keeps us sane!


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