Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

A Day At AQC.

Posted on | April 21, 2017 | 11 Comments

I enjoyed a lovely day at the Australasian Quilt Convention in Melbourne. Perfect weather to walk through the garden to the Exhibition Building and enjoy the displays inside. This building lends itself so well to displays of this kind. It is worth going to just to look at the lovely restoration work on the building itself.

First up I met up with Rachael from Blue Mountain Daisy.  Rachael is here for the four days of the convention and will be talking to visitors about her quilt, Whiz Bang. It was a delight to be able to share time looking at the quilts on display and enjoying a chat before Rachael had to set to work.

It was amazing to see her quilt up close and appreciate all the wonderful work that has gone into every block.

Rachael’s quilt won the NSW section, and the winner for Australia will be announced on Saturday evening at a gala function. Good luck, Rachael.

There was great variety in the quilts this year and I thoroughly enjoyed the display. There were many different sections but I will only show  a handful here.

There was a Made in Australian section.

I saw these quilts early in the morning and then when I returned found that they had won prizes.

This kangaroo won first prize. If you are interested, enlarge the picture to look at the detail and the variety of fabrics used.

The possum was runner up. It was so life like that I could imagine it running on my roof.

There was a display of quilts by Luke Haynes. He also gave a lecture in the evening. These definitely need to be seen up close to appreciate the detail.

Obviously there are hundreds of quilts on display but here is one in particular that caught my imagination.

I spotted this one because of the detail and texture in the circles and didn’t realise immediately that it also had a 3D effect. When I stepped back I was even more excited about it.

I can see why it has won so many awards.

Look at the beautiful detail.

I have only given you a small taste of the display. It is well worth a visit.

I am sure many others will also show pictures from AQC, or go to the AQC site.

As always after these events I am inspired to stitch, so I have a sewing weekend planned. I hope you can squeeze some stitching time in, too.

Cheers, Karen




11 Responses to A Day At AQC.

  • Joan says:

    Wow, those are spectacular. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but the Kangaroo “jumps” out at me! LOL! Those spools are pretty cool too!

  • Rachaeldaisy says:

    I nearly missed this post because my head was under a pile of fabric. How wonderful to relive how fun AQC was. A big highlight was meeting you in real life after chatting to each other for literally years! You’ve picked lots of my favourite quilts from the show too.

  • Frances Arnold says:

    Wow…what a great variety of quilts. Looks like you had a wonderful day!!!

  • peg says:

    oh my….they are spectacular…….xxx

  • marina says:

    lots of inspiration wasn’t there?
    Rachael’s quilt caught my eye too, it was amazing!!!

  • Shez says:

    Hi Karen its a lovely show i was disappointed missing Rachael,her quilt is gorgeous.
    It was a shame we didnt get the chance either to catch up ,but we will one day.
    So glad you had an amazing day xx

  • Raewyn says:

    What amazing quilts – thank you so much for sharing the photos – how lucky you were to be able to view them! It looks like a really good day out!

  • Cheryl says:

    What amazing quilts Karen. Sure looks like you had a wonderful day

  • Thanks for the show, I would be hard pressed to choose a winner. (Although I do love the one with the spools.) Rachel’s quilt looks as though it’s one you need to get a bit personal with. So I’m going back to check out details.

  • Lesley says:

    The quilts you have shared with us are amazing! Thanks so much!

  • Oh wow! Amazing quilts Karen. Lovely to see Rachaels gorgeous quilt. Thanks so much for sharing x


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