Welcome To 2016.
Posted on | January 9, 2016 | 12 Comments
Welcome to another New Year. I hope it has started on the right foot for everyone.
I have decided to do a Spring Clean in Summer. I must be crazy, but it all started when I was ready to put away the Christmas decorations. I thought it was time to be ruthless and discard all the broken and tatty ones. That was fine but I think I was bitten by the bug and started to clean out every room and cupboard. Needless to say the house looked like a bomb site but I have weeded out so many things we do not need to keep. The hardest room of course was my sewing room. But it was worth it. The shelves are tidy and I can see what I have. It is a great reminder of what is in my stash.
Most of the house is back to some kind of normal with only a small amount of sorting left to do. That is a good thing because I am ready to do some sewing.
I have been a little creative but in a totally different direction. I have been enjoying some art journal and book making workshops and was able to make a slip cover for some folders.
The process involves covering some calico with gesso then decorating with paints, pens, stamps – anything you like to use. This is the front.
The back.
Fabric is also coated then used to line the inside like this, then it is all stitched together.
We all decided we needed to do this again so met up last week to make another one. This time I wanted a cover for my Christmas lists. This is how it is progressing. Front.
And this will be the fabric for the lining.
It is still quite warm but the garden is managing to survive. The corn may not be as high as an elephant’s eye, but it is growing well and almost ready to pick.
And the hot house tomatoes and peppers and thriving.
Our country seems to dish out some difficult conditions at this time of year and my thoughts are with all the families who have lost homes in the last few days in the fires in Western Australia, and also those who have had all the flood damage in the eastern states. Two very opposite conditions. Best wishes to all.
Unfortunately we are still only part way through our Summer. Let’s hope the weather is kind for the next few months.
Cheers, Karen
Hi Karen. I haven’t been blogging or reading blogs for the last few weeks so it has been fun to catch up with all of yours. I absolutely love the Santa’s that you made. They all have so much personality!!! And these book covers are fantastic. You certainly have a way with all things Christmas!! I hope that you are surviving the heat and will be remembering your Niece as they struggle to rebuild.
I “LOVE” these pieces. What a fun way to play. I got bit by the art quilting bug a few years back, and bought tons and tons of stuff. Have I actually done anything with it all yet??? Oh heck no. I am waiting for some inspiration and direction. If only…we didn’t live so darn far away! That and maybe you could inspire me to clean a bit…or not! LOL!!!!!!!
Your artwork is gorgeous on those journal covers, seems like a fun process! Well done with the garden – I always start with great gusto, next time I look the veges are overgrown and sprawlig everywhere!
Hi Karen,oh I love your journal covers and you can’t beat homegrown veggies,enjoy your evening my friend xx
A.great crafty start to the year,the journal covers look great.
Lots of veggie goodness in the garden. Our tomatoes are doing great too, only had one so far though but lots more coming.
The bushfire season seems to have hit with a vengeance this summer. Hopefully there won’t be more severe ones
well done on the big clean… even though we just moved in October I feel I need more order in my place… so if you feel more need to clean just pop over!!! I just love your art journal works… you are so good at drawing… just lovely
Those book covers are adorable, Karen. I can imagine that just looking at them would encourage you to pick them up and get started. I won’t even address the spring cleaning gig. My problem with that is always cleaning up at the end–what to do with the stuff I don’t know what to do with. lol
Your veggies sure are pretty. Those red tomatoes look especially tasty. Slice one up, add a pinch of salt and enjoy it for me. Ah, yummy! I love vine-ripe tomatoes!
Here’s hoping the weather behaves for all of you. Fires and floods are both dangerous and scary. And what does one do after the damage? So many people without homes to return to. Thank heaven that at least now we have services that can give early warnings, but that doesn’t take care of the psychological pain or the physical loss.
How wonderful to have real, fresh tomatoes! It’s winter here, and what we buy in the stores are hard and tasteless. I love your journal covers. How nice to be multi-talented!
Sorry to hear of all the weather-related issues over there. Hope there is improvement in the days ahead. Your journals are so sweet…you are so talented!
I love your projects…fantastic! Nice crop of homegrown vegies. Yes it has been a crazy weather start to the year…so sad for some xx
I’m a little jealous of you book making journal. It looks like a lot of fun. Hope your weather moderates for everyone’s sake. I’m headed to southern Australia March 1st. I can hardly wait!
I like your journal covers, really pretty. Isn’t it fun to learn to do something new! (Obviously, since you did it again. ;) )
Your garden is wonderful. That corn is making my mouth water. Everything looks so tempting!