Pushing Along.
Posted on | April 17, 2020 | 12 Comments
Some projects take a long time because they are big. But there are others that are small and still take ages. That seems to be the case for me with this little caravan.

The outside has been made. I have to add a wheel arch and tyre when it is ready to go together.
The insides are done, too. The bathroom is ready.

As is the bedroom.

I now need to complete the dolls to go in this van. The bodies are made but now need features added. And of course the caravan has to go together. I am hoping this weekend sees me done.
But of course there are always interruptions. We had strong winds last week and one of our lovely trees was blown across the road. That was not in our plans.

Thankfully a neighbour with a chainsaw came to help as it was too heavy to pull off the road by ourselves. And it is very easy to socially isolate when a chainsaw is going.
You never know what is coming next. Helps to keep us on our toes.
Cheers, Karen
That caravan has me curious, puzzling how it’s all going to come together. My son had a tree come down in the Dandenongs. He’s still waiting to get the internet restored!
We’ve had trees come down, too – accidentally and on purpose. The unplanned is really hard to deal with sometimes. Glad your tree fell where no one got hurt.
Cannot wait to see your finished caravan! Someone is going to love that.
What a fun project to be working on!! I am guessing it opens out like a book? What a shame about your tree – kind of your neighbour to help out.
Love your caravan. Looking forward to seeing it completed.
Your little caravan is coming along nicely, Karen.
How cute is your caravan….looking forward to seeing the end result. Glad a kind neighbour came to your rescue with the tree x
Your caravan project looks interesting.
You are lucky to have a helpful neighbour.
The caravan is gOrgeOus…and will be loved by little ones. Shame about the tree but better across the road than a car or house I suppose.
Stay safe… xox
Such a cute caravan!! I love the different rooms. So sorry about the tree. It is sad when we lose them!!!
I’m intrigued with how your little caravan will be put together. A wall hanging, a little book, or a toy? I’ll just wait patiently for the big reveal!
I love how this van is coming together. I agree sometimes the small fiddly projects take much longer. Pity about the tree…. but thankful for nice neighbours…
Hi Karen oh this projects sounds intriguing cant wait to see it finished,its looking fantastic,well done.
Bummer about your tree,but great your neighbour could help out,stay safe my friend xx