Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Moving Along To August.

Posted on | August 2, 2021 | 9 Comments

It has been cold, wet and miserable here – but it is Winter! But out of the blue we have had two lovely, sunny days. Not warm, but appreciated. And I think it turns back to Winter normal tomorrow. So obviously lots of inside time. Sewing has been done but with the Olympics in the background. We are in a very similar time zone to Tokyo which means we get to see a lot of the events live. Much better that having to get up in the middle of the night.

I have been going back to some of my Marg Low patterns to make some decorations. This one is Home For Christmas. I had made one of the three in the pattern previously, but for a gift. It is made flat at the start.

Then the side is stitched up and slipped over a foam cone.

In the original pattern the cones sit on a base, but I don’t have anything appropriate so I simply traced out a circle of felt to stitch to the base. It sits quite well like that. My plan is to make a few more as there are different sizes and designs.

Over The Hill by Wendy Williams has been stitched together and is now waiting for me to finish the third row.

I am very happy with how this is looking.

I also found a small pattern to try.

This is on a 10 inch block. I may turn it into a small pillow. The design is by Rusty Crow from 2015.

I have been putting blocks together for a quilt. At the moment I am playing with the layout.

This is range by Leanne Beasley called Spring Mischief. Very pretty and delicate.

Plenty to keep me going over the next few days when rain returns. I think I am ready for Spring.

We finally had our second vaccination last week. Good to be up to date with that one.

Hope the week goes well for everyone.

Cheers, Karen

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