Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Nearly There.

Posted on | January 15, 2021 | 11 Comments

Two more blocks finished for the Dancing Chickens. Flying Pigs top. Only one more to go so I am nearly there. They are such fun blocks. I will be sorry to get to the end but I do have the Christmas one waiting for me from Hatched and Patched, so won’t be concerned for too long.

The blocks have to be eventually trimmed down and a running stitch border has to be added to each one.

Not a lot of other sewing has been done as we have had a few days away at the beach with our family. The Monday was hot – 38c (100f) – but thankfully the Tuesday was better – 24c (75f). It made a huge difference to the crowds and the car parking. This photo is the second day. I do love our beaches.

We are now back home and there are forecasts for snow in some states. Crazy Summer.

Today will be spent reviewing works in progress and deciding which one to finish next after the blocks in this post are together.

Hope you have a lovely weekend planned.

Cheers, Karen

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