Testing, 1, 2, 3.
Posted on | July 16, 2016 | 10 Comments
Yes, I am testing with this post.
I need to know all is working with our internet.
We have had huge issues with Telstra. A big outage in our area – no internet or landline for a full week. I can accept that a cable was damaged and that it takes time to repair.
What drove me crazy was the poor information from the call centre. We were offered a free mobile with internet to tide us over but we must be at home to receive it. We changed plans and stayed home all day – no phone. When we called to check we were told that the phone had arrived and we had rejected it. I don’t think so!
We were then told a phone would arrive two days later. Again no phone turned up. This time we were told that there were not enough phones available. Why offer one in the first place then?
We were then told one would arrive between 8 and 9am on Friday. The internet came back on that morning and of course the phone arrived that afternoon when it was of no use to us.
Very poor communication and service, and this was only one of the problems we had with them this week. We are ready to go on to the NBN and are weighing up which company to choose. I am sure you can guess which one is not on the list.
On a totally different note, it has been very cold here because, of course, it is Winter. We had snow in many areas, but not here.
It did, however, look like snow one afternoon. We had a hailstorm that lasted for nearly five minutes. The stones were not large so there was no damage done, but it did mange to cover the ground for a while.
We are also very, very excited because the US branch of our family is arriving next week. Can’t wait.
Cheers, Karen
You must have enjoyed not having interruptions to your sewing at least a little. Of course, the frustrations of not being able to reach family over-ride any time you may have enjoyed. I know you’re excited to have the US contingent visit. Hugging them will make all of those annoyances melt away.
What, no phone or internet. I’d be going crazy. Have a great time with your family coming to visit!
Sorry to hear about your issues…and to have cold weather, too, just seems unfair! Stay warm!
Soooo very frustrating! Glad you are back on the air. Lots of hail! Strange weather we are having here. Have a wonderful time with your family xx
Im glad to say that it worked – so frustrating when told one thing and it doesn’t happen. That hail is amazing and really quite pretty like that… so exciting for you having the family come over… enjoy…
Companies can be so frustrating to deal with. Hopefully its all fixed now. Lucky you for going on the NBN!!
It sounds as though you’re in the depth of winter down there though there be lots of big warm happy family hugs soon.
Hello! I see you! Sorry for all your problems. Don’t you just love companies that outright lie to you? Did you get lots of sewing done while you were disconnected from the world?
No communicating for a week? Oh my. That was a hassle. I am excited your US family is coming. What a gift. They will enjoy the cooler weather. It is HOT here. Have a great visit!
Hi Karen sorry you had so much trouble my friend ,but I am so excited for you with your US news,boy the hail was bad,enjoy your weekend my friend xx
WOW! That’s some hail! It has been cold, hasn’t it? Much nicer today though! Enjoy your family time!