A Yarn.
Posted on | July 5, 2016 | 10 Comments
It has been perfect weather for knitting – cold and wet. Staying inside where it is warm and being able to watch Wimbledon and Tour de France has helped, too.
I have been able to finish this sweet little pinafore dress.
It has been made with a lovely yarn from Bendigo Woollen Mills. It is a wool and bamboo blend and feels beautifully soft.
It was very easy to use.
I have also enjoyed some crocheting and having a blanket rest on my lap as I go along.
This is a very simple pattern from Attic 24. Definitely my bright colours. This will end up lap sized.
And for something different, here is the progress on my latest embroidery piece.
Many hours in this one still to go. It takes me about 3 hours to complete each flower as they are all done in single strands of DMC.
There is still one week of tennis and over 2 weeks for the bikes, so I should be quite productive. Ha ha!
Cheers, Karen
That dress is so cute. Do you have a pattern?
That pinafore dress! Actually all of your projects are so pretty, but that little dress! I want to pet it, please???
I can’t believe that you are cold and we are so miserably hot here. I wish I could send you some of this sweltering heat. Stay warm, friend, and send that dress over so I can pet it a minute. :-)
Once again, you have a wonderful, eclectic show-and-tell. Personally, I always got a lot done during Cricket season!!!
Oh my gosh Karen. The little dress! So precious
Wow Karen!! All of your projects are so beautiful! I love the feel of bamboo fibres so I can imagine how soft that yarn is. The bright colours of your crochet blanket are my favourites too. I don’t think you’ve shown us your embroidery work in a long time. This piece is beautiful, the flowers look real.
The little pinfore dress is the cutest thing ever. Love your crochet too. Your embroidery is just gorgeous Karen xx
what a sweet dress and in that yarn it will be lovely. I have crocheted with bamboo and it is so nice. And I love your crochet but that embroidery just took my breath away – it is stunning…
Oh, my, what a lot of prettiness you’ve shared here! It is all scrumptious!
It’s a great time of the year, if you are a sports fan! I love the little knitted pinafore Karen; its a great colour! One strand of embroidery thread is really dedicated…..
Hi Karen,oh the little pinafore is so cute and I live your needlework ,you are very clever my friend ….