Stitching The Time Away.
Posted on | May 25, 2017 | 12 Comments
Not a lot of big projects on the go but I have been catching up on a few stitcheries.
These are part of a set of 12. I think I am up to the half way mark.
I suppose it is appropriate to have snowmen at the moment as we are only a few days away from the start of Winter.
These penguins are also part of a set of animal stitcheries from The Birdhouse.
After working on very fine embroideries it is a good change to have something simple to work on.
I always enjoy the flowers that choose to bloom in Winter, and the azaleas are putting on a great show. But I find it extra special when there are some pretty anomalies that come along as well.
This is a white azalea that has a very fine pink edge and a slight pink tinge.
But as you can see, every now and then we have a flower that is totally pink. This doesn’t happen every year, so it is a bonus when it does.
Have a lovely week and enjoy the coming weekend.
Cheers, Karen
I love your penguins, Karen. The colour thread you’ve used is lovely.
Azaleas are favorites here, too, but ours bloom in the early Spring. We have one “sport” that has one little spot in the big plant with different color blooms.
Love those stitcheries! So pretty.
I always love seeing what you’re working on. It really is snow man weather. It’s freezing here this morning!! Azaleas are just so beautiful.
Azaleas bloom in early spring here. I’d love for them to bloom several times a year. Some of the older homes have rows of azaleas lining the drive or the house. Talk about color.
Your stitcheries are just too cute. Penguins! So adorable.
Always love seeing what you are stitching Karen and am in love those cute snowmen
oh gosh those fat snowmen are lovely… such characters and sweet penguins too. A simple one colour stitchery is very calming I find. Love azaleas and yours are very pretty…
You always find the cutest darn stitching projects! These are no exception to that! Love them. Your winter blooms are gorgeous and that pink one…What a treat!
Speaking of treats…guess who showed up in my news feed today! Happy Dance Happy Dance. Looks like your blog is back online and feeding properly! Yeah!!!!!
Such cute stitcheries! Our white Azalea did the same thing this year. Two pink flowers, and several with pink stripes. Oh so pretty.
Love your stitching projects! Your Bonnie Sullivan blocks are so sweet.
Guess what your post showed up on my blog list!!!
Hooray, maybe your issues have been resolved?
Love your frosty stitcheries although they would melt up here at present….very cute penguins! Nature is amazing sometimes x
Oh, I love the penguins back to back on the igloo! Very cute!
Hi karen,wow your stitcheries are cute,love the penguin one,well done my friend and i hope your day is a good one xx