Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Yay! I Have A Finish!

Posted on | February 19, 2022 | 14 Comments

I feel like I have been spending a lot of time preparing projects and I know this is worthwhile, but it is always good to get a finish as well.

This was an easy finish in the end. I did leave it a little while after the quilt was sandwiched, but once I started, it was a breeze.

I kept to straight line quilting through the centres of the triangles in each quarter. The picture of the backing shows that quite clearly.

And I finished it off with striped navy and white binding.

I have had the umbrella backing for a while and was glad there was enough to do this quilt.

I have managed to get all the trees together and have added a couple of borders – print fabric and a soft green. It is now waiting in the quilting queue.

That will have to wait as I need to go outside to mow. We are not used to that in February as the lawn is usually brown from the heat.

Hope all are having a lovely weekend.

Cheers, Karen

14 Responses to Yay! I Have A Finish!

  • Joan says:

    Beautiful finish! I love the backing fabric you choose too. Your tree top looks fabulous. I can’t wait to see how you quilt it. Brown must be the color this year. Your grass is brown because of the heat, and mine because of the snow. Oh, I’m wishing for better days for us both. LOL!!

  • Shez says:

    Hi KaRen it’s so wonderful seeing your beautiful work ,both quilts are gorgeous,beautiful work my friend

  • I do like that umbrella fabric! It is just perfect with this colorful, happy quilt. Yay!

  • Raewyn says:

    Lovely finish Karen, and the quilting is just right for it. Your trees are gorgeous too. The soft green border finishes it off nicely.

  • Such a cutie pie quilt, Karen!!! Happy, happy, happy!!! Love the binding and your quilting choice, too!

  • I love your finished quilt and stripey binding is always a winner! Your Avenue is looking wonderful too. The young man who moes our lawn says that lately it grows up behind him as he mows lol!

  • Lou Heron says:

    What a great finish. I love the way you quilted it. And those brollies! So cute.
    Your trees are looking lovely too.

  • marina says:

    gorgeous finish and the backing fabric is very cute.
    great finish with your trees too.

  • Linda Dutch says:

    A super finish Karen! I love your colours and the way you have set the blocks. Is there a name for the block? Oh, and the B&W binding is perfect!

  • Christine M says:

    Your finished quilt looks wonderful, Karen. The tree one is coming along nicely too. xx

  • Jenny Benton says:

    A finish is always worth celebrating! And those trees, what a delightful forest of colour!

  • Fiona says:

    both are fabulous quilts…. so effective…. glad you have a quilting queue too!

  • I like the chevron quilting you did on the first quilt, and those trees are wonderful on the second one.

  • Susan Snooks says:

    Your latest quilt finish is lovely Karen. I particularly like the colours- quite different from the red, blue, green and yellow we normally see in these types of quilts! I’ve used that sort of quilting before. It goes quilting and is very effective! We’ve certainly had a great Summer!


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