Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Using What’s There.

Posted on | July 22, 2024 | 8 Comments

I have been looking through all my supplies and trying to use up fabrics. I made a quilt many years back with charm squares in a blue Christmas theme. I kept the ones not used at the time and recently found them again. I had plenty of blue themed fabric that could be added and so a donation quilt was created.

The photo makes it look like a lot of basic blue squares, but they really are Christmas themed.

I had a fun piece for the backing. Not Christmas themed but it suited the piece.

I added a couple of small borders and then a navy binding.

I am pleased it turned out okay. And an early Christmas finish.

We spent a few days away over the weekend. Bendigo to start with and a trip to the Woollen Mills for yarn.

Then off to the showgrounds the next day for the Wool and Sheep Show. So much to see! My hubby bought several fleeces for spinning. We found a few new ( to us ) sheep breeds for fleece, so they were worth a try. Some were from Sweden and the other from Finland. But we also stuck with the merino blends.

As always, we enjoyed watching the sheep dog trials.

Next we headed to Ballarat for some time with family. Ballarat turned on its typical cold Winter weather for us. Luckily we were prepared and their home had wonderful wood fired heating. Bliss!

Back home now and looking at what to knit next.

Cheers, Karen

8 Responses to Using What’s There.

  • Sweet Christmas quilt finish, Karen! Your husband spins wool?!! Wow! Did he get any Swedish or Finnish fleece? How is it different from your local fleece, I wonder.

  • Susan M Snooks says:

    Oh, my goodness- if you went from Bendigo to Ballarat you practically went past my front door, especially if you skirted through Carisbrook. I would have loved for you to drop in! I hope you enjoyed the Sheep and Wool Show- the weather certainly wasn’t very warm! The gingham/Christmas quilt is great and will bring much pleasure to the recipient.

  • Jenny Benton says:

    Such a beautiful blue quilt, well cone!

  • It’s all about the fabrics, and these are so pretty. Great job!

  • marina says:

    you are getting a lovely pile of donation quilts and they are so lovely.
    look forward to seeing your woolly projects.

  • Fiona says:

    I love your clever Gingham look quilt… so clever with the placement of blocks. sounds like a fun time out. I’ve never tried spinning but I love the look of it – do you both use the spun wool?

  • Jocelyn says:

    I love how your quilt turned out. Really nicely done.

  • Gretchen says:

    This quilt is a very nice donation quilt, it will be well loved! Happy stitching!


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