Stripes and Stars.
Posted on | January 24, 2013 | 11 Comments
Here are the stripes!
This little zebra has recently found a new home with our grandson.
He is made using a pattern called Savannah Chaps, by Barbara Prime, which also includes and elephant and a rhino. It was purchased through Ravellry.
Very easy to make and good directions. I think there may have to be a few more of these.
It seems to have been a very busy time around here for the past two weeks. Lots of catching up with friends with lunches and many stitching days.
Unfortunately we also had a little scare with a fire breaking out at the end of our road, one day last week. Sadly it was one of 6 deliberately lit in the area on that day. We were very lucky because there was not a strong wind to fan the flames and it was under control in a matter of hours. But it still took over 100 fire-fighters to do this. We are very grateful to all these volunteers for the wonderful work they do.
Our state is on high alert again today with a forecast of strong winds and high temperatures. There are several fires still burning and there are concerns these may again head toward some towns. I hope everyone can stay safe.
One of the stitching days I went to on the weekend was a class with Lyn Brown that was held atCandleberry Country in Yarragon. It was a making a quilt using freezer paper stars and a small amount of applique. It wil have at least 12 green fabrics in all the stars and the applique. This is just the start.
I think I have to make 36 of these so I had better get a move on!
Catching up on my blog reading! What an adorable zebra – he’s so colorful! The fire sounds very scary – so glad you are okay and hoping that never happens again near you!!
That zebra is delightful! I laughed right out loud, it is SO cute. Your stars are impressive! That will be a gorgeous quilt.
I do not understand people who deliberately cause harm to others. It is just not in me. Inconceivable.
That zebra is too cute, love its face! :) The stars look like a fun project. Glad to hear the fire was put down, how scary!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Stripes is a cutie!! Cant wait to see what you do with the stars.
How cute is that zebra and the stars look fun…. hope some rain comes soon and puts those fires out…. crazy weather…
You really made me smile with your photos of your little stripey friend. He is so cute and I love the colours you used!! I’m looking forward to seeing more of your star project, those block are great! The fire threat is scary , I’m so glad the one near you didn’t get worse. I just cant fathom why some people want to create such a destructive thing.
Oh, the zebra is just so cute! I really like your fabric for the stars! It will be a lovely quilt. So scary about the fires; stay safe.
Stripes is very cute…he’d lok great in a solid colour too! Those fire bugs are a real pest…you don’t want to know what I’d do with them! Stay safe!
Hi Karen,
The zebra is too cute!!Love the funky colours and what fun a little someone is going to have playing with him. People who deliberately light those fires make you cross, glad it didn’t get out of control. Beautiful stars you’ve made.
Cheers, Anita.
OMG Karen, I hadn’t realised you were close to the fires, take care. Perhaps you should send me all your fabric for safe keeping ;-).
How cute is that zebra! and your stars are lovely, look forward to seeing them all. Hugs xx
Stripes is so cute, just want to smoosh him in the face. Gorgeous green stars, fave colour, fave shape… off to a great start so far.
Thought about you and a couple of others who live in that exact area too. So very scary. The CFA are heroes and they all deserve a medal.