Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Little Things Grow.

Posted on | November 5, 2022 | 7 Comments

I am still working on lots of little things and achieving some finishes.

My Party Penguin is complete and now in its hoop ready to hang. This is a design from Bustle And Sew.

Next in line were a few felt decorations from The Wooly Thread Co. I think I purchased one of the patterns a few years back. Good to finally get them done.

And finally a little peacock pin cushion. I know I bought this as a kit many years ago, but unfortunately I don’t have the designer details.

I have also been working on bigger projects. I was able to sandwich 4 quilts and now two have been quilted. They are waiting for binding. And I am getting back to my crochet blanket. That has been waiting for far too long.

We are finally getting some clear sunny days. At one stage with the rain our veggie patch looked more like a swimming pool. I am sure the garden will appreciate a little sunshine too.

My thoughts go out to all those in flood areas in both Victoria and NSW. We have been having rain and floods since August, so it has has a huge impact of so many communities..

Wishing all the best.

Cheers, Karen

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