Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Cutting And Stitching.

Posted on | February 4, 2012 | 22 Comments

I have once again been very fortunate to attend some workshops with Deborah Louie as the tutor.

The first day saw us working with raw edge applique and different machining techniques.

We also made drunkard’s path blocks and explored techniques for making circles.

This is my sample from the morning for the raw edge applique.

On the second day we worked on stitches for machine quilting. I enjoy learning these and Deb has great tips for using them.

Here’s one of my samplers.

I even like the look of the back.

In the meantime I had been making a few coloured circles using drunkard’s path blocks. These are going into a baby quilt. :)

All in all, a very colourful and productive few days.


22 Responses to Cutting And Stitching.

  • Pauline says:

    Great job…your machine quilting is awesome!!! Luv your drunkards path baby quilt, bright colors that baby will luv…hugs

  • annie says:

    I’ve never thought of the drunkards path in the form of your beautiful circles…wow…I’m in LUV!! =)


  • Joan says:

    WOW!! There is nothing better than a great class with a great instructor! Love your applique and your free motion looks fabulous.
    Did you happen to see the post last week some time with the fish that were made from the drunkards path? They were so cute 3 blocks went together as a circle and the 4th was put together the other way around so it looked like a tail.


    You have had some fun playing this week, haven’t you!

  • Oooh, lots of pretty eye candy here. I like it all!

  • RobynK says:

    Lovely work! I’d be framing that sampler and putting it on the wall as it looks very decorative with that multicoloured thread :).

  • Frances says:

    I love attending workshops and getting to spend an entire day (or two) learning new things!!! So glad that you had a good experience!!!

  • Karen says:

    Oooooh your learning piece of raw edge aplique is so perfectly green and round and mmm I like lots. The practice quilting is looking really really good. Love the coloured thread. Which one is it?
    Seems that colour is the theme so far this year. Love the paint box palette too.

  • Suz says:

    Your machine quilting is amazing Karen! I do not know of Deborah Louis! I’ll be on the lookout for her workshops in my area!

  • You have been busy making beautiful things! :o)

  • Anita Hayes says:

    Hi Karen,
    Wow! What fun you must’ve had. I love the coloured circles, they are really fresh looking!! Lucky you. Cheers Anita.

  • Vickie says:

    I am totally jealous. Your workshop must have been fabulous, cause your work certainly is! Hugs!

  • rosa says:

    Your pieces look fabulous.

  • Fiona says:

    Love the quilting…. especially the twirly ones… it does look so effective when a big piece is done… I have been pracicing raw edge a bit too… I’m not too accurate and I also have drunkards path I want to do…. are we on the same wave length here????

  • Pokey says:

    Wow, very productive, and creative! Your green flower applique is nice. Did you decide on a method you liked best?
    I like all your stitches of free motion. Very cool to be accomplishing new things!

  • Rachaeldaisy says:

    I would love to do the Deborah Louie quilting classes one day. Your pieces looks so good!! Love your drunkards path quilt too! The grouped colours look great. I like bright colours for babies.

  • Shez says:

    Looks like a lot of fun Karen,love the quilt,the colours are stunning,well done.xx

  • Linda says:

    Everything looks wonderful. It’s fun to see what other women teach for machine quilting stitches. A lot of these look similar to what I teach! Thanks for sharing.

  • Rebecka says:

    Hi Karen-
    Your machine quilting looks wonderful. Love your designs. Your fabics for the raw edge applique are so colorful. You have been busy.

  • It is always a great workshop with Deborah Louis and I really love your colourful circles. Take care.

  • Lesley says:

    Wow…you have some impressive projects. You certainly catch on fast!

  • Astrid says:

    WOW! Love them all! Did you machine piece the circles? Your machine quilting looks great and so does the raw edge applique!

  • Sunnybec says:

    Your quilting looks lovely!! and I really like your applique.


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