Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

A Quiet 100.

Posted on | January 11, 2011 | 3 Comments


This is my 100th post and it was supposed to be a celebration.

But I am afraid with the floods that are happening in Queensland, Australia, it is totally inappropriate.

Queensland is our second largest state and at this stage 3/4 is flooded. To give overseas readers an idea of size, when less than half the state was in flood they said the area was the size of Texas. Now of course it is much larger.

Up until the weekend most towns had warnings of rising water, but yesterday the force of the rain caused flash flooding that is truly devastating!! Towns have had so many homes wiped out and sadly there are many deaths and even more missing. Thousands of people have been evacuated and many do not know if they have a home to return to. Each new TV update brings more devastation. We are now waiting to see what happens in the state capital, Brisbane. The rain is forecast to continue for  at least another day or two, but the water travelling down the rivers will affect many communities for weeks to come. The state Premier, Anna Bligh, gave the best description of the situation – grim and desperate.

The rain and floods have spread down through New South Wales. And we are now getting flood warnings for Victoria.

Several bloggers have already organised some support efforts for the people of Queensland.

Toni at Make It Perfect is organising an on-line auction and all money raised will go to the Queensland Government Flood Relief Appeal.

Gum Tree Designers are asking people to put together sewing kits to be distributed to those who has lost everything so that they can have some solace in their sewing.

I am sure in the coming days there will be more ideas for helping those who have been through these shocking floods.

We had wonderful support here in Victoria when we had our bush fires 2 years back. I  know that everyone will show the same amazing support for our Queenslanders.

3 Responses to A Quiet 100.

  • Pauline says:

    OMG!!!Hoping you and your family are safe. The pictures and videos we are seeing on the TV news here in the US are beyond devastating! The speed of the waters traveling down the rivers is unbelievable. There is nothing more heart wrenching than the devastation caused by floods and fire. I’m keeping you and your country in my thoughts and praying for an end to the rains and flooding. Thinking of you. lol

  • Anita Hayes says:

    Hi Karen, The floods are just frightening to say the least and our prayers are with all the people affected. There certainly will be alot of support for these people, our Australia is very generous that way. Kind regards, Anita.

  • Joan Kawano says:

    I am working on my project for Gum Tree Designers for the quilting caddy and supplies. Hope you are safe, and I keep you and your country in my prayers.


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