Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Windy Weather.

Posted on | August 30, 2024 | 7 Comments

Our days are warming but with that we seem to be having a lot of windy days. It has been quite destructive in some areas. The wind was very strong earlier in the week, eased off, and then returned last night. I spent a large part of the morning cleaning up my front yard which was full of rubbish from neighbour’s bins. When I headed out to an appointment I found a large part of the road blocked by a fallen tree. Spring starts tomorrow – let’s see what that brings.

In amongst all that I managed to take photos of a small quilt finish. The wind was still blowing, but a quick photo in the lull seemed to work.

On a recent visit to my sister in law, I was able to help her make a baby quilt for a friend. She then gave me all the left over giraffe fabric. So, obviously, I turned it into a donation quilt. Too cute to waste! And a good size, too.

To add some interest, I embroidered around a couple of the giraffes.

I found a suitable backing.

And a bright green binding.

It was lovely to complete this from my stash.

A week or so back I attended a workshop to make a collection of small bags using the waterproof Splash fabric.

All four bags were made in the one session using only two fat quarters of the fabric. I had not used this before, and found it very easy to work with. So much so that I have started making a few more.

That’s my catch up for now. Enjoy the weekend.

Cheers, Karen

7 Responses to Windy Weather.


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