Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Plates For The Blogger’s Quilt Festival.

Posted on | May 17, 2013 | 21 Comments


It is once again that wonderful time of year to view all the amazing quilts featured in the Blogger’s Quilt Festival hosted by Amy at Amy’s Creative Side. There are hundreds of quilts and so much inspiration. And you get to meet quilters from all parts of the globe.  I hope you have a great time.  Click on the button above or this link for Amy’s Creative Side.

This time I am going to share my Dresden Plate Quilt that I have only finished quilting last week. It probably fits into several categories.

At the moment it is simply my favourite! And I will add it to the Throw Quilt section. I have used my Bernina 710 to do the Free Motion Quilting.

This quilt was started a couple of years back. The blocks were made and then it sat for a while, waiting for me to take it out of the UFO pile.

The fabric is from Moda and is called Maypole. Each blade is a different colour and pattern from the range.  I originally hand stitched the full plate onto the block, but when I was planning the quilting I realised it needed to be top stitched onto the block. I used a variegated thread for all the stitching on the coloured fabric. I was surprised at how long it took to top stitch the blades!

( But it was worth it!)

I used the same multi-spot fabric for the centres of each plate. I did FMQ bubbles in the centres of each block.

I used white thread to FMQ the background of each block with tear drops.

A little meandering in the sashing.

And some spirals in the tiny squares.


I put some FMQ flowers in the borders and then used a blue floral for the binding.

Love it when I get the corners right.

And the end result is a colourful lap sized quilt.

I used a lot of the left over fat quarters  to make a pieced backing.

I am very pleased with the way it turned out and am so glad it is no longer a UFO. The finished quilt is a 56 inch square.

I hope you enjoyed my quilt and I also hope you have a great time looking around the quilt festival.


Size 56 inches


Home machine pieced and quilted.




21 Responses to Plates For The Blogger’s Quilt Festival.


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