Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Clam Shells And Wool Flowers.

Posted on | February 4, 2020 | 14 Comments

My wool flowers and clam shell piece has made it to the finish line.

It has ended up as quite a big larger that I thought – 48 X 21 inches. It is a Wendy Williams pattern designed as a table runner but I will use mine as a wall hanging. It is from her book called Wild Blooms and Colourful Creatures.

I have used wool felt and cotton fabrics.

Most of the threads are variegated from Sue Spargo.

I kept the quilting simple with meandering between the flowers and straight lines through the borders.

I found a backing in my stash that worked perfectly with the colours.

I am so pleased to have a finish from all the accumulated UFOs from last year. I loved this pattern when it was in the book, but what really inspired me to start this quilt was seeing one made at

The different colourway started me on the path to making this one.

Okay, now that a start has been made on the UFO pile, I need to move on to the next one.

Good luck with your UFO piles, too.

Cheers, Karen

14 Responses to Clam Shells And Wool Flowers.


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