Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Blue Crossroads.

Posted on | June 14, 2024 | 7 Comments

This is the last of the quilts made with the blue bundles purchased at the end of last year. I had to add in a little from my stash, but I managed to use up the last of the bundles. It is about 60 X 60 inches.

I must admit that I did not find this easy to make. I had a lot of hiccups trying to get each corner to match. Glad I didn’t want to make a larger one.

I stuck with it, and did a lot of unsewing.

I really like the fabrics and had a play with different combinations.

I kept the quilting basic. Straight lines alongside each seam and them a straight line through all the crosses.

The backing was a lovely blue line print on white.

The binding was a blue/green print.

So there it goes – the last of the special fabric bundles.

Since returning home I have been working on some different quilts. Three of them are easy square and rectangle combos. I needed that when we came back while my body was sorting out time zones. Nothing too taxing. Hopefully soon I will want to find something more challenging.

I hope you have a great weekend planned. I am catching up with quite a few family members. Can’t wait.

Cheers, Karen

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