Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Woolly Zip Bag.

Posted on | April 3, 2018 | 13 Comments

Yay! A woolly finish!.

I have completed the wool embroidery, stitched it all up and made a thread carry bag.

Each side is different.

I have used a Kaffe FassettĀ  stripe for the binding and handles.

A small piece of braid covers the join between front and back.

When it is open there are four separate zipper sections to keep embroidery threads. I don’t have a lot of Sue Spargo threads so it will take a while to fill it.

I used another KF print in the lining.

This is a Wendy Williams design. I have combined two of her patterns to make this bag. (Woolly Zip It Bag.)

The embroidery has been a delight to do with the threads and wool.


Now I need to choose my next wool project – or finish a UFO!

Cheers, Karen


13 Responses to Woolly Zip Bag.


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