Sunburnt Quilts

Quilts, Patchwork & Embroidery

Getting Close!

Posted on September 29, 2019 | 14 Comments

My McKenna Ryan quilt top is getting close to a finish. The first 7 blocks are sewn together. Not all the applique can be completed until the borders are on but is is good to see it the blocks together.

There are two more blocks to add. This is the eighth one.

So I am up to the last block!!!! It is a big one with lots of beach huts and kangaroos in swimming costumes.

I will keep at it but not sure that it will be ready for Christmas. But I will have the blocks finished by then.

This has been a very time consuming project. So much tracing and cutting before even starting to sew. If I ever do another McKenna Ryan quilt I will purchase the kits with the pre-cut shapes that are available now. (They weren’t when I bought this kit.) Good lesson to learn.

I hope you have enjoyed a lovely weekend.

Cheers, Karen

Embroidery And Hexagons.

Posted on September 24, 2019 | 17 Comments

It feels wonderful being able to get back into a stitching routine. I don’t think I realised how much I missed it, but then I was very busy so it makes sense. I am catching up on many projects started earlier in the year. I have enjoyed getting back to them.

These are blocks from a Fig N Berry pattern named Round The Garden Path.

This is the ladybird block.

These are all worked in variegated threads from Cottage Garden.

The next is the bird block.

This is the first one I posted back in April – Apples.

I have also been able to get my felt out again and have been working on another Wendy Williams design from her book Wild Blooms and Colourful Creatures.

This one has involved a lot of preparation but is now zooming along as it is simply a matter of attaching all the pieces.

I hope your week is going well, especially if you have school holidays in your state.

Cheers, Karen

Aussie Animal Quilt Finish.

Posted on September 18, 2019 | 10 Comments

Finally a post with some sewing in it. I think I had to go back to May for the last entry with some stitching and a finish. I have been able to finish the Aussie animal quilt for our granddaughter to use on her bed when she visits our home.

Quilting and binding finally done. There is a bit of sun glare but the colours are close to true.

I had to work my way through each block to then stitch on all the eyes.

I thought I had been thorough until I went to photograph the kangaroo and joey.

The roo was fine but I had missed both joeys – check the first picture.

That had to be remedied immediately so I could truly call this a finish.

I am hoping to get a few more finishes into some posts soon. It is good to be stitching again.

I am going to enjoy the sunshine today and I hope your day is shining, too.

Cheers, Karen

Finally – A Sewing Room To Use – And A Word Of Warning.

Posted on September 7, 2019 | 12 Comments

If my blog posts are anything to go by, it looks like I have dropped off the face of the earth. And as far as sewing goes it is quite true. About the only stitching that has been done was at sewing groups and classes. All my time at home has been setting up the new room and unpacking all the boxes after the carpet was in. That was in four bedrooms as well as this room. I had forgotten how much work that involved. It has been worth it as we have had a huge clean out and a lot of charity groups have benefited from the numerous donations.

I am quite excited because this week I actuality sat in my room and sewed at the machine. Hooray! I was worried I may have forgotten how.

So here is the reveal.

This is looking into the room from the office There are double sliding glass doors to the right that open onto the patio/pergola area. Just behind where I am standing there is a bathroom. The wall to the left is the storeroom. It still looks rather bare with no pictures or quilts on the walls, but that will happen over the next few weeks.

Instead of buying one large table for the centre of the room I decided to get three smaller ones.Placed together they make a great work surface. As you can see in the pic, two are still a good size and they are light enough that each one can be easily moved to where it can be used when needed.

The big box poking out on the right of the photo is the last item that needs to be put together. It is a cutting table that can fold for storage. That should be done this weekend.

This photo is taken from the doorway of the store room. The window faces out to the garden where the citrus trees grow. Many of them are just about to blossom. I have continued to use the Ikea shelves with glass doors for storage. I like to be able to see the fabrics easily. I have set up a work station with my sewing table and desk facing each other. That gives me a large surface to spread out a quilt when sewing and I can easily add one of the white table to enlarge the space. The natural light coming in behind me is great during the day. I don’t like having my machine facing a wall when I sew, so it works for me.

This photo is looking back toward the office and store room. You can see the Ikea theme continuing. The shelf on the right has fabric and projects in it, but the other two that are together are purely for display – another job to be finished. The TV is resting on a stand but is going to be wall mounted some time. (Not a big priority.)

I just love this space. This store room holds so much! I am thrilled with how it has worked out. The best part is that the door slides across and it is all hidden away.

I feel like I have run a marathon with all that needed doing, but as you can see, it was well worth it.

Now, here is my word of warning. This new room of mine nearly went up in smoke. The frightening part is it could have been the whole house.

A week ago I was doing a tidy up in this room and put a few things up on the tables so I could vacuum the carpet. Once that was done I left everything where it was for a few days and worked on other rooms. I finally came back to do a few things in my sewing room on a lovely sunny afternoon. Everything was fine and I saw some items that needed to go to the bedroom. I took them out, did a bit more tidying then came back to the room about ten minutes later.When I walked in the door I saw wisps of smoke rising from one of the boxes. I quickly grabbed it and took the box outside to the patio. It didn’t take long to work out what had happened. Remember I said it was sunny. The sun was coming in the window at the perfect angle and was hitting the magnifier of my Ott-lite which I had lifted on to the table when I vacuumed. It was then hitting the cardboard box which had started to char and was glowing red when I picked it up. It was only a short time away from igniting.


Even though the light had been there for several days the weather had been overcast. This had been the first day of sunshine for a while. I am extremely thankful we were home and I went into the room at exactly the right time. We could have easily been out when this happened.

But the great part is all is well, and lesson has been learned and it will not be left like that again.

I am trying to tell this story to as many sewing friends as possible so it doesn’t happen to anyone else. Please check where you leave your lights if they do have a magnifier on them.

At least it is a story with a happy ending. I hope you have a great weekend planned. I am going to sew!!!!

Cheers, Karen

A Very New Room.

Posted on July 27, 2019 | 19 Comments

A new room to be used as a sewing studio has been a dream for a long time. Recently we decided to bite the bullet and build an extension to the house. We were aware that not everyone wants a sewing room so we made sure it could serve another purpose for a prospective buyer in the distant future, so we included an en suite and walk in robe to make it into a master bedroom/parent’s retreat. But for now it is purely craft!!

Photos to follow show it clean and empty.

Looking into the room from the rest of the house.
Same view but showing the double doors out to the pergola area and garden.
Looking back to the connecting door through the office.
One side of the storeroom ( wardrobe). The other side also has shelves and hanging space. All that is inside still needs sorting but it had to be off the floor for the carpet to go in.
The little office that is the connecting room for the extension.

The main part of the room measures 10 metres by 5 metres.

Just to get an idea of size here are photos with only a few things moved in.

This looks incredibly tidy but I can guarantee it no longer looks like this. We decided to carpet all the bedrooms as well the next week, so everything has to be moved out of all those rooms ready to be carpeted on Tuesday. Chaos reigns at the moment but hopefully all will be good in a few more weeks. Can’s wait to be able to play in this new space.

Cheers, Karen

Back From A Big Break.

Posted on July 23, 2019 | 14 Comments

After seven weeks it is time to get back to looking after the blog and writing some posts. We have had a lovely break spending four weeks with our family in Charleston, South Carolina. We had HOT weather and high humidity but that did not stop us getting out and about. We celebrated a couple of birthdays, visited historic sites, parks, gardens. There were school visits for presentations and concerts, the fun activities when the Summer break started. Some shopping was done and lots of ice cream was eaten.

Here are some photos of a few of the activities that kept us busy. Warning – no stitching pics, only holiday snaps.

The four hundred year old Angel Oak Tree on Johns island. They have a life span of 900 years.
The boardwalk at Beidler Swamp. Amazing views of wildlife.
This guy was happy to keep us company on the walk.
A dolphin cruise on the Pride of Charleston – a three masted sailing ship.
There was a resident alligator in the pond out the back of our family’s home. We were happy just to have a bit of alligator spotting time and ha no desire to meet up close.
This Botany Bay – not the one in Australia. It is on Edisto Island, SC. Some call it Driftwood beach. The trees get covered by the tide and eventually die off. Many stay lying on the beach. The beach is a protected area. There are thousands of beautiful shells on the beach. People are encouraged to pick them up, look at them, then return them to the beach and leave them there. The area is part of the old Bleak Hall plantation.
We spent the last week in North Carolina – several degrees cooler and no humidity. During a couple of days in Charlotte we visited the Museum of The New South. Great displays and information.
We then headed into the mountains of NC and stayed at a great BnB near Brevard. Perfect weather to float down a river.
Lots of walks to waterfalls.
Making s’mores.
We made a side trip to Asheville to the Biltmore Estate and toured this amazing residence. It was built by the Vanderbilt family in the Blue Ridge Mountains at the end of the 1800s.
Can you imagine having a dining room this large that needs three fireplaces?

This is only a little sample of our time away and as always it flew by far too quickly, but we had a wonderful time with our family and made the most of every day.

Our flight home was uneventful until we found out our luggage had not made the connection in Dallas. Not a disaster as we were heading home. It did eventually arrive three days later.

We had plenty of plans for activities to jump into on our return, but those were all dropped when only a few days later hubby was diagnosed with flu. The next couple of weeks were spent making sure that he recovered and I didn’t catch it. Thankfully we managed to achieve both goals.

There was one more exciting event for our return home. A new sewing room! I will explain more in the next post.

Cheers, Karen

Lots Of Animals.

Posted on May 27, 2019 | 10 Comments

The Aussie animal blocks have come together to make a quilt top.

There are still no eyes but that will happen when the quilting is done.

This is the Land Down Under pattern from the Red Boots Quilt Company.

I was also able to stitch the banner together that was in my last post. All ready to display at the end of the year.

That’s it. Short and sweet for today.

I am taking a break from my blog but will be back in a few weeks. I may get to check on your posts but not sure if there will be time to comment.

Catch up soon. Cheers, Karen

Mostly Christmas Bits.

Posted on May 15, 2019 | 16 Comments

Lots of Christmas projects are being worked on and some even finished. It must be the colder weather that makes me think Christmas. Who knows?

A few little decorations have been finished. I made some of these last year, but gave them all away, so figured I should make a few to keep.

I also tried my hand at a couple of these.

The snowies theme keeps going with these goodies from Bonnie Sullivan for a banner.

I still need to choose a fabric to string them together.

I have caught up with the stitcheries from April for Gail Pan’s BOM.

Just noticed that the bird needs an eye. Glad to spot that before stitching it all together.

I couldn’t leave the camper wool mat alone. I decided to add a grey ric-rac to the edge and attach it with french knots.

And I thought a few snowflake buttons could be added, too.

Last of all, a little bit of crochet. Perfect for when the days turn cold.

This is the one that is cropping up on many sites and is the Sweet Pea blanket by Lucy from Attic 24. I am about a third of the way along. The colours are delightful.

I am missing making quilts but we have building work going on so it is not easy to have a lot of fabric out at the moment. I will try to be patient. Glad I still have smaller projects on the go.

Cheers for now, Karen

May Begins.

Posted on May 2, 2019 | 14 Comments

Today seems to be the first chance to stay at home for quite a while and I am appreciating the quiet and slow pace of it. A lovely chance to post on the blog, read a few comments and start some stitching.

First up a wool mat finish.

It is by Buttermilk Basin and is called Vintage Campers All Round.

This one came a s a kit. I did add a few extra threads but for once did keep close to the design.

After seeing these photos I realise I need to use the lint brush on this mat.

Good to have this project ready for Christmas.

Keeping the Christmas theme going, I have also completed the March stitcheries from Gail Pan.

I was feeling great because I was catching up – I have one and a half of the April stitcheries done. But then the May email came through with new ones. I will just have to keep pushing on.

I am hoping to get back to some quilting this week. The last couple of months have been extra busy with helping my 90 YO mother to move. Packing up her unit has been a big effort but she is now happily settled in with family in the city. And I can see a few free days ahead.

Hope you also have some stitching time planned.

Cheers, Karen

Apple Harvest.

Posted on April 16, 2019 | 10 Comments

Most of my posts of late are embroideries and stitcheries. I am working on several quilts but none are near completion as yet. So this is a mixed post in that it is embroidery but is part of a quilt.

This is the first block for a design from Fig N Berry named Round The Garden Path.

There are 9 blocks in all and each one is a different design. This one was obviously apples and caterpillars.

The next one has lots of lady bugs.

Each one has the circle of hexagons. I was able to sneak some Liberty print into this as well.

That’s it from me today. Enjoy your stitching and have a lovely week.

Cheers, Karen

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